New York City is home to some pretty amazing things, including the Statue of Liberty, Sabrett Hot Dogs, and probably the most profound - Central Park. Los Angeles on the other hand has some amazing features as well, from the incredible hiking trails and beaches, to it's entertainment rich history and artistic culture. It seems as though NYC has always had a sort-of one up on Los Angeles though because of it's park, but that's not likely to be the case for much longer as Los Angeles may be getting a Central Park of it's very own.

// la.curbed
The proposed park, organized by Friends of Hollywood Central Park, is envisioned to be placed on top of the 101 Freeway, spanning 38-acres over about a mile of highway, from Santa Monica Boulevard to Bronson Avenue. The plan has made it as far as the environmental review process, to which the executive director of the project had this to say: "This brings us one big step closer toward achieving the long-held dream of building this much-needed park in the heart of Hollywood."
A development like this would completely transform the landscape of Los Angeles, creating a street level urban community park, that would reunite the communities that the Hollywood Freeway separated more than 60 years ago. Furthermore it would do wonders for the local real estate market - increasing property values as well as heightening desirability.
According to the review, the park is proposed to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with potential features including but not limited to "pedestrian meadows, small retail facilities (such as bike shops, seasonal markets, and art galleries, restaurants, an amphitheater, a community center, playgrounds, dog parks, and interactive community areas."

A project like this has been years in the making, and it's reasonable to expect that it will be some time before developers break ground, but with the incredible jumps and progress Los Angeles has experienced in the past 5 years alone, I don't think it's fair to say that a plan like this is so far fetched. It's only a matter of time before Hollywood has a Central Park of it's very own.
Keep up to date with new developments on the proposed Hollywood Central Park, HERE.
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